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As PI of an ALMA "Target of Opportunity" (ToO) proposal, how can allow one of my Co-Is to submit a ToO trigger? - Knowledgebase / General ALMA Queries - ALMA Science

As PI of an ALMA "Target of Opportunity" (ToO) proposal, how can allow one of my Co-Is to submit a ToO trigger?

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If you are the PI of an approved ALMA "Target of Opportunity" (ToO) proposal, you can delegate the authority to submit a ToO trigger to any of the Co-I's on the proposal.

To do this, log into the ALMA Science Portal website, and click on the drop down arrow next to your name under the "Search Site" tool bar at the top right of the page. Select "Profile" from the drop down menu, and when the "Edit Profile" page appears there should be two tabs: "Account info" and "Project delegation". Click on the "Project delegation" tab. A table with all the projects that you are PI on will appear.  Select the project you wish your colleague to have access to, and click the "Add delegee" button. Enter you co-I's ALMA username and accept. You can remove permissions on the same page, using the "Remove delegee" button.

Once this information has been replicated into the database (it may take a few minutes), the Co-I will be able to submit ToO triggers using the ToO Activiation page in the Science Portal.