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Can I load a proposal from a previous cycle into the OT and submit it as a new proposal? - Knowledgebase / ALMA Observing Tool (OT) - ALMA Science

Can I load a proposal from a previous cycle into the OT and submit it as a new proposal?

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A proposal from a previous cycle submitted to the ALMA archive can be loaded into the OT as a new proposal directly from the archive using 'File -> Open Project as New Proposal'. Regardless of its status (e.g. accepted, partially observed) the proposal will open up as a Phase 1 proposal without an assigned project code. It can be edited as needed and then submitted as a completely new proposal for the upcoming cycle. If a DDT project was re-used, the new project will not be DDT. There is a separate option for converting a previous non-DDT project into a new DDT proposal.

Note that before submitting you should check the technical details of the proposal carefully using the documentation for the upcoming cycle; you may in fact need to make some edits (e.g. adding source properties or parts of the technical justification) in order for the proposal to validate. Note also that depending on the exact capabilities offered in the different cycles certain properties such as the time requested, the standard/non-standard designation of Science Goals and the possible configurations may change.