Yes, you can specify a range of dates when your observations should be executed in the ALMA Observing Tool. However, note that in Cycle 0 this will be followed on a best-effort basis, and very stringent timing requirements will likely not be met. Given that commissioning activities have priority in Cycle 0, it will generally not be feasible to carry out observations at a particular time on a particular date. Projects with less stringent time constraints (e.g. within several days) are more feasible, and will be attempted on a best-effort basis.
For time critical proposals PIs can only specify the time of the execution of the observations to within a period of 3 weeks. They cannot specify a particular date, only a three week period (start-date and end-date) within which the project will be observed (if it is rated highly enough).
This should not prevent observations of recurring phenomena occurring at predictable times (such as, say, maximum elongations of planetary satellites), as long as their occurrences are spread over a sufficiently wide fraction of the Cycle 0 observing period and as the number of epochs that need to be observed remains relatively small with respect to the total number of suitable epochs across the Cycle (i.e., that there are many opportunities during the observing season to execute the proposal).
Can I specify the date on which my observations should be taken or set up a monitoring observation in Cycle 0? - Knowledgebase / Early Science - Cycle 0 - ALMA Science
Can I specify the date on which my observations should be taken or set up a monitoring observation in Cycle 0?
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- Last updated: Nov 1, 2023 by Ch Obrien