NOTE: This article is only for preparation of Cycle 4 Solar observations.
To increase the density of the data points on the u-v plane for obtaining high dynamic range, PIs might need to observe the Sun with the same observing parameters twice in the morning and afternoon. In this case, please follow the following procedure.
1) Create two ScienceGoals for the observations in morning and afternoon, even when the observing parameters are the same.
2) Set all observing parameters in each ScienceGoal
3) Select “Yes” at “Are the observations time-constrained?” of the “Control and Performance” panel in a SceinceGoal, .
4) Push the [Add] once, and set the start and end date/time. The date of solar campaign in Cycle 4 is not determined before the end of the proposal review process. Therefore, please set the date that the your requested antenna configuration (C40-1/2/3) is scheduled. Set the time as you like. The noon time in Chile is 15:00UT.
5) At “Please add any other relevant timing information” on the same panel and the “Solar Technical Justification”, please write the following things.
- The observation will be carried out in morning (afternoon).
- We prefer that the <<name of the other ScienceGoal>> and this ScienceGoal are carried out on the same day.
- The date of the Star/End Date/Time in the "time-constrained” information is no meaning. We think the observing date of my project will be determined by the ALMA observatory.
6) Set the start and end date/time at the other ScienceGoal, as same above.
[Caution] Your request will be esteem when the observing schedule is planned. However, the ALMA observatory does not guarantee your plan.