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How should I create and use my own Observatories table when an observatory is not known to CASA? - Knowledgebase / Offline Data Reduction and/or CASA - ALMA Science

How should I create and use my own Observatories table when an observatory is not known to CASA?

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You can create your own copy of the Observatories table by taking it from the "<CASA-distro>/data/geodetic" directory in your CASA installation and then editing your copy with the browsetable task in CASA. Once you have your own copy, e.g. in the directory "/home/myself/mydir", you should create or (if it exists) edit the file "~/.casarc" and add the line /home/myself/mydir

This will tell CASA to pick up your copy of the Observatories table instead of the default.

Note: The table must still be named "Observatories".


More information can be found in the CASAGuides.