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How to create a new knowledgebase articles in Deskpro. - Knowledgebase / General - ALMA Science

How to create a new knowledgebase articles in Deskpro.

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#This is a test article, so don't publish it.#

Staffs can create and edit a knowledgebase article. Accounts with special permissions (for example, administrator) can publish this article.  To create a new article, please click the icon of white '+' symbol in light blue square in the toolbar above the page and select  "Article" in the pull-down menu (see Figure XXXX).  

To create a new article, please clik "Create Article" button below the editinge field. Normal staff accounts can select statuses of "Draft" or "Pending approval". Both of them,  articles are unpublish to users. Accounts with special permissions (for example, an administrator) can change the status of the article to "Publish" to publish the article to the user. As a support tool to creat articles, you have the option to 'Save as a New Template', which will allow you to re-use your creation as many times as needed.

You can find more information on Deskpro's official page,