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May I submit scientifically similar proposals with different targets and PI's in Cycle 0? - Knowledgebase / Early Science - Cycle 0 - ALMA Science

May I submit scientifically similar proposals with different targets and PI's in Cycle 0?

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Proposals from the same team pursuing similar science but with with different targets and PIs are certainly acceptable and do not fall into the category that would cause them to be automatically ignored/rejected (per Section 3.4 of the ALMA Proposers Guide). As there is a single international review process, such proposals will very likely be assigned to the same review panel, which will be given instructions to carefully consider the relevant ranking of scientifically similar proposals. Therefore, such proposals will almost certainly be ranked against each other, and each should be able to stand on its own merits in case it was the only one to be approved. It is hard to say how the panel would react to cross-references between the proposals. If the integrated time exceeded the 100hr limit for Cycle 0, it would likely be seen as an attempt to "game the system".

It is worth noting that both proposal rank and Executive share of observing time factor into whether or not proposals are ultimately awarded high grades. The highest ranked proposal will be given the highest grades regardless of PI affiliation, but only until the Executive shares have been reached.

With that caveat, an ALMA proposer can submit as many different proposals as he/she wishes as this will not bring any disadvantage to the proposer.