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What array configurations are available for ALMA Early Science in Cycle 0, and what is the anticipated schedule? - Knowledgebase / Early Science - Cycle 0 - ALMA Science

What array configurations are available for ALMA Early Science in Cycle 0, and what is the anticipated schedule?

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There will be 2 array configurations for Early Science in Cycle 0. The "Compact Configuration" will have baselines ranging from 18m - 125 m, while the "Extended Configuration" will have baselines from 36m - 400 m.

UPDATE AUG 11 2011: The configuration schedule has changed from that published in the Proposers Guide. See Science Portal article, Early Science Cycle 0 Observations. To wit: "ALMA is on track to start Early Science Cycle 0 observations on 30 September 2011 or soon after – this week we successfully collected data with 17 antennas (136 baselines). We now plan to start Cycle 0 observing in the compact configuration. The extended configuration is expected to be available by the end of 2011 and the timing of the reconfiguration to the extended array will take into account the subscription pressure for the two configurations. This change from the configuration sequence outlined in the Proposers Guide results in part from delays caused by challenging weather conditions at the Array Operations Site during the 2011 winter."

Original schedule: The anticipated array schedule is given as follows:
  • 30 September - 30 November 2011: Extended configuration
  • 1 December 2011 - 30 January 2012: Compact configuration
  • 1 February - 29 February 2012: Science shutdown over altiplanic winter
  • 1 March - 30 April 2012: Compact configuration
  • 1 May - 30 June 2012: Extended configuration
This information is provided in Section 3 of the "Capabilities" page of the Science portal, where it is also noted: "Prospective PIs are asked to note that this schedule is indicative only, and that Early Science Cycle 0 observing is being offered on a "Best Efforts" basis. The dates and even the approach may be adjusted as necessary, particularly if required to maintain progress towards the completion of the full ALMA observatory."

This information may be found in the Capabilities section of the ALMA Cycle 0 Call for Proposals.