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What array configurations are available for ALMA Early Science in Cycle 2, and what is the anticipated schedule? - Knowledgebase / General - ALMA Science

What array configurations are available for ALMA Early Science in Cycle 2, and what is the anticipated schedule?

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The 12-m array can be re-configured to provide a range of angular resolutions.  For Cycle 2, seven configurations have been defined to represent the range of capabilities available.  The characteristics of the seven configurations are described in Chapter 7 of the ALMA Cycle 2 Technical Handbook [Table 7.1 and 7.2].  The maximum baseline offered for Bands 3-7 is 1.5 km and for Bands 8 & 9 it is 1 km.  There will be only two configurations for the 7-m array of the ALMA Compact Array in Cycle 2.

The actual configuration schedule will be defined after proposals are reviewed by the review committee. As described in Section 5.2 of the Proposal Guide: "The time of year and time spent in each configuration will be planned to meet the scientific demand as much as possible given the anticipated weather conditions (Figure 1). The scientific demand will be based on the number of Science Goals requesting a given set of angular resolutions, sensitivities, and largest angular scales that have to be recovered". Additionally, construction of outer antenna pads is still underway. The schedule will be made to accommodate the availability of pads during Cycle 2.