If the OT outputs a nonsensical PDF when you try to print the whole proposal, or if you notice anomalies like running over the allotted space for your abstract or missing your list of co-I's, it is likely to be related to the unavailability of fonts on that particular machine. This is disconcerting but should not affect the submitted proposal, only your ability to print it on a particular computer. At the moment the best workaround is to move to a different computer to view and print your proposal.
All PDFs are regenerated by the observatory after the Call for Proposals and so all PDFs should be readable by the time review committees.
What do I do if I try to print my proposal as a PDF and the output is garbled or incomplete? - Knowledgebase / ALMA Observing Tool (OT) - ALMA Science
What do I do if I try to print my proposal as a PDF and the output is garbled or incomplete?
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- Last updated: Nov 1, 2023 by Ch Obrien