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Why does the Cycle 4 OT report an achieved RMS of 0.00 Jy? - Knowledgebase / ALMA Observing Tool (OT) - ALMA Science

Why does the Cycle 4 OT report an achieved RMS of 0.00 Jy?

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This bug has been fixed with the latest OT patch.  Please see the News Item from April 13th for more information.

The Cycle 4 Observing Tool (version 201603-CYCLE4-OFF-B) contains a bug in the Technical Justification section of a Science Goal that reports an achieved RMS of 0.00 Jy (S/N of infinity).  This error does not affect proposal validation or time estimates.  We recommend that users ignore these incorrect values in the Technical Justification and proceed with the normal proposal submission process.

Tehnical Justification error