Tracking of ephemeris objects will be possible in Cycle 0 (early science). The capabilities document (see Science Portal --> Call for Proposals --> Capabilities) says:
"In addition to objects with fixed RA and Dec, moving targets (including the planets, their major moons, asteroids and comets) can be observed. Observations of the Sun will, however, not be supported in Cycle 0."
If the object you want to observe is not covered by the standard ephemerides (i.e. JPL) then that will be harder. In principle there is a straightforward process to make the observations but reducing the data may be harder and a decision about whether to support that in Cycle 0 has not yet been made (so best to assume not).
Will ephemeris tracking be available in Cycle 0? - Knowledgebase / Early Science - Cycle 0 - ALMA Science
Will ephemeris tracking be available in Cycle 0?
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- Last updated: Nov 1, 2023 by Ch Obrien